Galt Historic Railway Park, Stirling

Landmark and historical place


#65032 Range Road 19-4C, T0K 2E0 Stirling


Heures d'ouverture aujourd'hui pour Galt Historic Railway Park

  • Ouvre à 10:00 aujourd'hui

Heures d'ouverture hebdomadaires:

  • Mardi (AUJOURD'HUI): 10:00-15:00

  • Jeudi: 10:00-15:00

  • Samedi: 10:00-15:00

Information d'affaires et les heures d'ouverture dernière mise à jour le 9 mai 2024.

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À propos de Galt Historic Railway Park

The Galt Historic Railway Park, collects, preserves, and interprets artifacts representing the “steam & coal” eras in southern Alberta, with emphasis on Galt Railway and the 1890 International Train Station from Coutts, AB / Sweetgrass, MT. Straddling the Canada – US border from 1890 -1916, it is the only existing example of this kind of structure left in Western Canada. Lire plus

Itinéraire: Galt Historic Railway Park


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